搜索 Mônica

  • 故事发生在阿拉斯加北部被茫茫冰雪覆盖的群山峻岭之间,这里生活着一种稀有野生动物——狼獾,它是杂食动物,不轻易攻击人类。但这里的人都视它为当地最凶猛的野兽,而由于它的稀有,猎人都希望能够捕获狼獾来换取高额报酬。Garrett的妈妈要来这里完成观察老鹰的文章,她把Garrett也从西雅图带到了这里,过惯了都市生活的家乐特十分不习惯这里没…
  • What are the first existential queries that lead us to question the absolute and consult teachers, parents, priests or older siblings? "The Big Question" is based on an idea that is very simple yet rather complex: it poses extremely direct questions to a large and varied group of people regarding their own in…
  • Old college chums get together for a weekend reunion that is bound to open old wounds and perhaps heal them. New romances find a spark while old ones rekindle.
  • “The inmates of an insane asylum take over the institution, imprison the doctors and staff, and then put into play their own ideas of how the place should be run.”
  • Oliver Goldsmith's classic comedy of manners, tells of the clever schemes and comic ruses that unfold one night at a country house. An ambitious step-mother, impassioned sweethearts, a pragmatic father and a pair of star-crossed suitors are sent spinning through a hilarious comedy of errors by one of the great characte…
  • 电影剧情
    虽然与父亲关系疏离,但毕竟母亲溺爱,家境富裕,又长得漂亮艳丽,利娜(北川景子饰)本来有着令人羡慕的身世。然而在利娜眼中,所有人都是不可信任,友谊只是一种利用关系。傲慢冷漠的她夜夜流连在声色场上,与他人喧嚣而孤独的狂欢。  在人群中突然倒下的利娜,在病床上醒来,耳边传来了噩耗。她患病,必须做手术,切除左胸。作为一个曾经那…
  • 建筑师 Luiza 刚从一段不幸的感情中解脱出来;生物学界 Gabriel 也结束了一段以离婚收场的漫长婚姻. 当他们相遇时, 似乎能在一起幸福生活的希望并不大, 但他们会为此而努力...
  • A couple hire a detective to locate their missing daughter. He finds her in a "house of ill-repute."
  • When Monica was born, her parents believed she was a boy. They named her Morten. In April 2002 Monica, then 22, had her body surgically corrected to make it fit her real sex. Her mother believes the alternative would have been a grave.Most of us can relate to a search for a true identity. Very few have to endure surger…
  • 电影悬疑