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  • I Can't Have Sex
    Don't let the title fool you. (Or let it?) The definitive fantasy documentary of a hypersexualised society. Bel Gatti can’t have sex, so her therapist suggests she make a film about it, turning her supposed external trauma into a boomeran…
  • No Dogs Allowed
    Without a doubt not your ordinary coming-of-age film that will leave no one indifferent. Fifteen-year-old Gabo seems like a regular teenager who goes to school, plays video games with his best friend and does other things a normal teenager would do – except he’s not. He has tendencies he knows to be wrong, but cannot …
  • Wolfgang Laib - Here, Now and Far Beyond
    The work of artist Wolfgang Laib (Metzingen, 1950) is a dialogue between contemporaneity and timelessness. The documentary follows him and his wife across three key locations in their lives: an estate in southern Germany, a house in India, and an apartment in New York. Since his early travels to India in the 1970s, Lai…
  • 电视剧
    MAIOSiAM企划制作   每当靠近就会心跳加速   一名个24 岁的汽车修理工,他习惯于坦诚面对自己的感受。对“爱”以外的一切都不在意,也非常害羞,尽管他看起来很寂寞 ,但谁也走不进他的内心世界。   一个26岁的上班族,对任何人都感兴趣,也只关心自己的利益, 并坚持以自我为中心的规则。
  • 蜡笔小新:我们的恐龙日记
  • 地狱一啜
    An actress addicted to her work and in crisis with her profession takes a few days off in a house far from the city. Her fears, phobias, and obsessions become tangible, haunting and pushing her to the limits of her own darkness.
  • 电影
  • 电影
  • 电影动作
    金刚回到了自己曾经生活的地方,然而一切早已物是人非。这时,一起拐卖儿童的事件意外发生,金刚以一个局外人的身份开始寻找被拐的女孩,在这个过程中他的过往也依旧在纠缠着他…… 金刚将不得不面对自己最不愿意正视的伤痛……
  • 仙境圣诞前夜