搜索 Nabil

  • 电视剧
  • "The story of an 18-year-old Iranian girl (a fine performance by Flora Shabaviz( living in a poor village on the edge of a new town whose personality slowly breaks down under the pressure of modern and western influences. SHe refuses to get married and the new ideas of her younger sister and others eventually crea…
  • 故事发生在十七世纪的波兰。书亚(Mieczyslaw Voit 饰)是一名德高望重的神父,坚定的坚持着自己对主的信仰和理想。某一日,他被派往了一间修道院中工作,有传闻魔鬼偷偷潜入了这间修道院,在其中作祟。修道院的院长是一个名为乔安(卢茜娜·温尼斯卡 Lucyna Winnicka 饰)的女人,这个女人的身上散发出一股强大而又神秘的美丽,让众多的修女们…
  • 这是一部现代风格的戏剧,介绍了生于维也纳,在剑桥读书的哲学家Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)的生平及思想。他的主要兴趣在于研究语言的本质与极限。电影使用最简单的黑色背景,所有的投资都用在服装、演员以及灯光上,构图就像黑暗的启蒙主义绘画。Wittgenstein以一个小男孩的形象出现,他的少年时代很压抑,银幕上他的家人都身穿罗马人的…
  • 电影历史
    该节目把第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战「串联起来」,描述了1914年到1945年一条完整的时间线上的故事(一战时罗斯福、希特勒、佩顿、墨索里尼、斯大林、丘吉尔等人还只是30岁左右的年轻人,二战时已变成风云人物)。历史频道自称这是「同类节目中首创的叙事手法」。The World Wars tells the story of three decades of …
  • Algeria region of the high flatlands. As Islamist groups continue to spread terror, Rashid, a young Jihadist, leaves the mountains to return to his village. In keeping with the law « of pardon and national harmony », he has to surrender to the police and give up his weapon. He thus receives amnesty and becomes a « repe…
  • Adam is a Muslim medical practitioner who is unable to accept the fact that his wife is no longer in this world. When he agrees to treat a woman named Maria, strange and unsettling things start to happen.
  • 《麦加之旅》,讲述的是十四世纪巨大的旅里手Ibn Batutaa 为了心中的渴看千里迢迢前往麦加朝圣的故事。正在经过麦加之旅后,Ibn 又先后游历了四十多个国家,包括如今的印度和中国。如今人们以他的名字命名了月球上的一个火山口,以纪念他的巨大旅行。 随着他的脚印,我们一同穿越了沙漠,经历了艰险,度过了红海,终极到达了圣地麦加。IMAX…
  • Set in the northern Algerian port city of Mostaganem. The title refers to the hordes of refugees, the 'Harragas', who smuggle themselves out of the country via any means possible. Here we meet one such group, Rachid, Nasser and Imene who pay a smuggler, Hassan, to take them to Spain in his rickety boat. Along with a gr…
  • 小男孩米卡在卡萨布兰卡的富人网球场里干粗活,结识了网球老师索菲亚后发现了自己的运动天分,因此动了偷渡去马赛的念头。本片由摩洛哥裔导演伊斯梅尔·菲鲁基自编自导,选用毫无表演经验的当地小男孩扎卡利亚·伊南,扮演贫苦无依的主角米卡,法国知名女演员萨巴纳·奥扎尼出演退役网球冠军,与小男孩展开了一段温暖动人的师生情。影片以大量细…