- Set against an urban backdrop, "Badmaash" is a romantic thriller about Vijay, an intelligent, playful and witty lad and Priya, an RJ and a fiercely passionate Kannadiga who tries to teach Kannada and Indian culture to Non-Indians through street plays and theatrical plays. Right from their first encounter, Vij…
- 《Unpretty Rapstar 3》为韩国Mnet公司制作并播出的“女饶舌歌手音乐真人秀节目”系列的第三季,由众多韩国饶舌界顶级大咖及十二名实力强劲的女饶舌歌手参加,并展开激烈的竞争。
- Mother Maria Pia Mastena as a young child has a vision of Jesus that leads her to a life dedicated to the Lord and others. But this life is not without challenges, both from without and within. Internal doubts and misinterpretations of her actions by those around her lead to conflicts along the way. She plods on, conti…
- Fukano Harumi 深野 晴美Fukatsu Eri 深津 絵里Fukiishi Kazue 吹石 一恵Fukuda Yumiko 福田 有美子Fukuoka Hikaru 福冈 晶Fukuzawa Miho 福沢 美穂Furuya Kaori 古屋Furuya Yoshiko 古谷 芳香