搜索 Nahan

  • 30年代,舞台演员Tyler Walker在他的恋人Myrna抛弃他跟别人结婚之后精神崩溃,整天在他的豪宅里跟一个打扮成Myrna模样的时装模型为伴,终于在一天晚上,Tyler上吊自杀。许多年后,深陷破产危机的Cates一家突然听说他们继承了Tyler的老房子,急于寻找片瓦遮身的Cates夫妇当即带着儿子Scott和女儿Robin前往。经历多年风雨,这所老房子变得残…
  • 在一个电闪雷鸣、风雨交加的日子里。唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)极为慵懒地坐在沙发上听着收音机,故事或温馨或恐怖,唐老鸭也随着故事中的情节转换各种感情。就在这时,一阵猛烈的敲门声将他拉回现实之中。门外站着一个身材高大、形容恐怖的男人,他是一个图书推销员,湿漉漉的雨衣中全是恐怖凶杀情节的低俗小说。这个有些精…
  • 影片简介:母亲吉尔是个还价高手,在每次的车库清货中总有不错的收获。她甚至将女儿未来婚礼的摆设都准备好了。但女儿谢丽尔对幼时母亲给她穿的二手皮鞋而被同学嘲笑依然无法释怀,迟迟不愿将结婚的好消息告诉母亲。从第三者口中得知此事的吉尔顿时感觉十分失望。谢丽尔打算自己操办婚事,她预订了理想的婚宴场所,但竟无法负担高昂的价格。母亲…
  • 电影生活
  • A burnt out nurse moves into a new apartment in search of a simpler life. But when her shower curtains begin to disappear through a mysterious portal she discovers there's no such thing as simple in this world, or any other.
  • A mother and her 18-year-old daughter move to suburbia to help recover from a traumatic home invasion, but a sinister shadow seems to be stalking them.
  • Winner of the Audience Award of the Fort Worth Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival at Texas. From the director of GOING DOWN IN LA-LA LAND comes KISS ME, KILL ME, a contemporary film noir and thriller. Starring gay icon Gale Harold from QUEER AS FOLK, this murder mystery will keep you guessing until the very en…
  • 疯狂动画
    Ensemble cast of off-the-wall Warner Brothers characters, appearing in a wide variety of roles. Wakko, Yakko, and Dot Warner, are WB Studio creations who were just too "zany" to be of any use to the studio. Pinky and the Brain are two mice bent on world domination. Rita and Runt are a cat and dog team, who ge…
  • 小恐龙大冒险
    Disney’s brand new animated series Gigantosaurus is totally Cretaceous! The hilarious,based on the book "Gigantosaurus" by Johnny Duddle.With the help of Giganto, Tiny and Bill catapult to where their friends are! Brand new serie…
  • 黄金女郎第三季