搜索 Nai

  • 电视剧
    阿法(萨米·考威尔 Sammy Cowell 饰)表面看似是衔着金汤匙出生的千金小姐,实际上,有钱的是她的继父。妈妈再婚之后,对待阿法的态度就一落千丈,之后,阿法迎来了自己同母异父的妹妹,这个姑娘让阿法在家中的地位变得更加恶劣。 一场意外中,阿法被一个名叫瑟奇(阿努瓦·宗澈德拉塔纳 Anuwat Choocherdratana 饰)的男人给撞倒了,两人…
  • 电影剧情
    1989年的特拉维夫,年轻大学生博阿兹(约夫·卢温 Yoav Reuveni 饰)刚退伍,在大学修读语言专业,有个漂亮的女友诺亚(Yehuda Nahari 饰)。他每天会打开信箱查看奖学金的消息,某天却在信箱里发现了一封匿名信:“亲爱的博阿兹,请不要问我是谁或怎么认识你的,我无时无刻不想着你,尽管我们都是男人。坐在桌前偷偷给你写这封信让我觉得羞愧,…
  • 电影
    Gippi is a 14-year-old girl who lives in Simla with her mother Pappi and little brother Booboo. She is overweight and awkward and doesn't know how to handle the physical, emotional and social changes happening in her life. In school, she is a backbencher and is constantly bullied by the popular queen-bee Shamira. At ho…
  • 辛姆是一家夜店的服务生,老板是个毒贩子。一天,辛姆发现老板接了一笔大单子,于是心生邪念准备私吞这批货,他找来歌手托尼和妓女妮娜帮忙,不曾想一场你死我活的惊心追逐就此上演……西班牙80后导演马丁·加里多·拜伦执导的一部综合了惊天抢劫、枪战打斗、公路飞车、香艳美女等大量商业片卖座元素的惊悚片。视听效果刺激强劲,同剧情高度结合…
  • 一群被驱逐无家可归的贱民在印度西高止山脉附近为了逃避种族迫害而遁入空门信奉了佛教,电影展现了探寻安贝卡主义为基础的新认同政治以及地区持续斗争的环境。
  • 电影
    A woman is afflicted with an unusual condition; she cries all the time, at the slightest provocation regardless of whether she’s happy or sad, beset by anxieties or problem-free. Nicknamed “Madame Ho”, this pitiful woman strives to play a …
  • It is the story of a terrorist who manages to escape during a transfer by sea and lands on a remote desert island where there is a large mansion inhabited by a little girl about 9 years old a girl of 18 and their housekeeper.
  • The Snail on the Slope is a generative movie based on a book of the same title by Strugatsky brothers. The novel is set on an unknown planet, where humans have a base from which they are investigating and trying to conquer the Forest. The Forest, which is a huge single organism is constantly changing and fighting back.…
  • In the not too distant future, two young men escape civil war in America, and end up on a paradise island. Finding a mysterious civilization of teenagers, they are swept up in a world of sex, drugs and 24 hour partying. But the threat from the mainland is ever present and creeps closer by the day. Power, love, deceptio…