- Striving to make the greatest animated film of all time, visionary animator Richard Williams ('Who framed Roger Rabbit') toiled for more than a quarter century on his masterpiece - only to have it torn from his hands. Filmmaker Kevin Schreck has woven together mind-blowing animation, rare archival footage, and exclusiv…
- 童年时期的一个盛夏,女孩子面码(茅野爱衣 配音)死于意外。这件突如其来的死亡事件,深深刺痛了她的五个儿时玩伴——仁太、安鸣、雪集、鹤见子以及波波。六人组成的秘密基地“超和平Busters”就此解散,活着的五人带着无法弥补的创伤各自疏远各自长大。十年后,面码居然以一种只有仁太能看见的形式,带着一个想要实现的愿望回来了。\r\n …
- 故事发生在桃园高中之内,加贺良介是学校里出了名的好色之徒,对美少女的一切都十分热衷。某日,良介偶遇了名为丽萨菈的神秘女子,其真实身份竟是出身名门的死神,在阴差阳错之下,良介和丽萨菈签订了契约,他所要付出的代价竟然是他的色欲之魂。 大仓美菜是良介青梅竹马的玩伴,美菜内心里一直喜欢着善良的良介,然而却选择将这份感情深深…
- Magdalena (Rosario Moreno) becomes pregnant because she was raped by Antonio (Exequiel Segovia). Before his death, her father (Precioso Palma) gives up the baby for adoption, thinking that no man can ever understand her past. Magdalena is engaged to Roberto (Rudy Concepcion), a decent, well-off young man. Haunted by he…