搜索 Naji

  • 薇洛尼卡的衣橱
    Veronica is the best romance expert around. Unfortunately, her expertise only works on others. After dumping her womanizing husband, she must build back her life and image through her company and with the help of its employees.
  • 乡巴佬希尔一家的幸福生活第一季
    Hank Hill is an old fashioned, hardworking, beer drinking man who is trying to live in a modern Texas world. His wife is opinionated, his son is a disappointment, his friends are losers, and his Father is oppressive. But through it all, Hank keeps a level head, a strong sense of morality, and by doing so keeps himself …
  • 电视剧爱情
    纳提(Games Nanthipat Srrttnphnt 饰)拥有着英俊的外表,凭借自己的努力考入了曼谷大学。他只身一人来到首都,这是他第一次离开家人独自生活,因此感到格外的兴奋。在学校附近,他找到了一间价格便宜的公寓,在这里,他结识了普林(Jack Charupong Kluaymai Ngam 饰)。普林是衔着金汤匙出生的富家大少爷,因为不满意父亲在家中的独断专横,因…
  • The Boathouse, or Reun Pae, is a Thai-Hong Kong co-production and starred Chaiya Suriyan and Sor Assanachinda. Its theme song, "Reun Pae" by Charin Nanthanakorn, was a hit in its day and remains well known.The film was directed by Prince Phanuphan Yukol for the Asuwin Film Production company owned by the uncl…
  • 泰姬陵是举世闻名的印度景点,是印度莫卧尔王朝第5代皇帝沙贾汗为他的宠妃泰姬·玛哈尔修建的陵墓。据相传,沙贾汗和泰姬非常相爱,泰姬死后,他也抑郁而终。泰姬陵表达了一个国王对他亲爱的妻子无与伦比和刻骨铭心的纪念。 1631年莫卧儿人皇帝的妻子在分娩第十四个孩子时难产去世。她当时36岁,已结婚18年,对她的丈夫沙贾汗来说失去的不但是亲…
  • http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Awb5dvWg-V0/   泰王蒲眉蓬的长女乌汶叻公主亲自担任制作与主演的电影《心的奇迹》,一公映便广受关注,票房超2852万泰币,列9月泰国电影票房排行第3名。接受媒体访问时,乌汶叻殿下表示拍戏时最大的挑战是哭戏,她说:“我现在不容易落泪,因为自从丧失儿子后,我一直压抑情绪,尽量勇敢,渐渐就很难释放…
  • 当阿塞拜疆微图画家布约科从巴黎的一个艺术画廊回来后,有一段时间他的灵魂竟然出窍,经历了一种暂时的死亡。从那以后,死亡的阴影就完全掌控了他,他再也不能创作了。The film “Toranj” is a symbolic religious and spiritual work. The theme of the film is about a famous painter, who senses …
  • Set in 1950s Tunisia, the film is about a 25-year-old woman, Alia, who returns to her place of birth—a prince's palace in which her mother, Khedija, worked as a house servant and mistress. Alia had fled the palace ten years earlier, at whi…
  • Hank Hill is an old fashioned, hardworking, beer drinking man who is trying to live in a modern Texas world. His wife is opinionated, his son is a disappointment, his friends are losers, and his Father is oppressive. But through it all, Hank keeps a level head, a strong sense of morality, and by doing so keeps himself …
  • 综艺晚会
    该节目为共青团中央宣传部、芒果TV、湖南卫视联合制作。以“青春心向党 建功新时代”为主题,传承五四精神,讲述青年榜样故事。