- 芙蕾雅是一个充满抱负的艺术家,但为了照顾患病的艺术家父亲,她不得不搁置自己的事业。在父亲即将去世的时候,早已和她疏远的妹妹菲奥娜出现了。这对很久没有同处一个屋檐下的姐妹被迫与她们古怪的父亲、蜂拥而至的新潮嬉皮士和狂热粉丝打交道,同时还要处理两人间长期积压的怨恨和姐妹之间的竞争。与此同时,她们还面临着最重要的问题:谁将继…
- My Name Is Leon by Lynette Linton is a TV feature set against the backdrop of the race riots in 1980s Birmingham. It tells the story of ten-year-old Leon, a mixed-race boy. We follow his quest to reunite his family after being taken into care and separated from his baby brother. Leon’s adventure leads him to an allotme…