搜索 Naná

  • 电影剧情
  • 晴朗夏日,美丽的沙滩岸边。跟随音乐一起舞动着的凤梨们,一片欢声笑语。然而在一旁偷偷看着他们的橙子小姐,除了满心的羡慕外,还身处在一个冷漠无情的环境中。身受同类排挤的橙子小姐,格外希望自己能够成为凤梨家族中的一名。第二天一早,凤梨的队伍中,突然冒出一个头戴凤梨绿叶的“异类”——她就是橙子小姐。混在凤梨中的橙子小姐,不顾身…
  • 影片《填补空白》讲述了一个犹太教哈希德派家的小女儿希拉年满18,已经选好了意中人准备出嫁。但是自己怀孕的姐姐不幸去世,留下了一个孩子和自己的丈夫尤罕。为了能留住孩子,希拉的母亲希望能够将小女儿嫁给姐夫尤罕,填补姐姐留下的空缺。   有人曾经说,婚礼和葬礼是表现一个社会的文化最好的地方,《填补空白》可以说很好的验证了这句话…
  • Carlos never knew his true personality until he met Mr. John.Soaked in poverty, washed with pains, Carlos swore to make ends meet despite his educational impediment.In his quest for survival, he meets Nick and Rosanna who live their lives in two separate worlds of sexual promiscuity.At the event of trying to make out w…
  • 一滴水看到世界。格鲁吉亚名演员卡奇以星级栋笃笑,演绎他家三代的故事,其实是一整个民族在苏联治下的命运。卡奇来自演艺世家,他娓娓道出爷爷及其粉丝史太林的戏剧性相遇相知,可到了父亲,苏联记忆只余道道伤痕,俘虏营劳改营无间的生涯,令小卡奇一生只见过父亲两次。舞台选在苏维埃巨无霸工厂,加上卡奇的感人百变造型,为已消失国度作最后…
  • 电影
    Constantly on the hunt and suffering from hallucinations that drive his violent nature, an unnamed man is capturing women and savagely beating them to death. Meanwhile, a woman is luring men into a violent end, by way of her knife. Driven by the same force to make the opposite sex suffer, the killers’ fates intertwine.…
  • 宁子(柠萌饰)与三里(郝荣光饰)是一对恩爱的夫妻,他们的孩子还未出生就夭折了,宁子为此事悲痛不已,以至于不断产生幻觉,三里建议宁子可以去泰国找法师把孩子的灵魂做成“路过”,就可以永远陪伴夫妇左右。于是,宁子与三里随导游克拉拉(陈逸豪饰)的旅行团来到泰国,结识了团友丽莎(梁晶晶饰)与西西里(王璨饰演)、韦男(谢佳恒饰)。…
  • This documentary follows filmmaker Michal Siewierski as he explores the impact that food choice has on people's health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other species sharing our world. It looks at many misconceptions about food and diet, offering a new view on these issues. The film interviews world-renown…
  • Vishal (Ajay Devgan), a stock analyst, and his wife Swati (Urmila Matondkar). The two are in search for a flat in Mumbai. Vishal finds the perfect place on the 12th floor of a high-rise apartment building. However, the apartment has a horrifying past. The previous occupant of the flat, a young woman had killed her chil…
  • In the film, most evident talent Tengiz Abuladze to the poetic and philosophical generalization, grows out of ordinary, sometimes comic, sometimes sad but always simple facts of life. The film tells about the life in the Georgian village. And they cover a fairly significant piece of the life heroes: peace in the Great …