- Lou suffers from a birth defect which stops her from entering puberty, until she one day realises that she’s an artificial being. Caught between her parents and her friends, Lou desperately tries to become a "real girl ", but it’…
- Employing a rich trove of archive film, Mirissa Neff explores the history of South Africa’s outlaw multi-racial rock group, who formed at the height of Apartheid. National Wake emerged in the late 1970s with anti-establishment ideals and a…
- A nostalgic and colorful peek behind the pages and personalities of International Male, one of the most ubiquitous and sought-after mail-order catalogs of the '80s and '90s.
- 第75届戛纳国际电影节 将于法国当地时间5月17日-28日举行的2022第75届戛纳电影节,今日发布官方单元入围片单。宋康昊、姜栋元等主演、日本名导是枝裕和执导首部韩语片《掮客》,汤唯主演朴赞郁执导新片《分手的决心》等18部新片入围主竞赛单元。达内兄弟、克里斯蒂安-蒙吉、大卫-柯南伯格等戛纳嫡系导演新作均在列。“阿汤哥”汤姆·克鲁斯主演…
- 一部带有照片和电影录音的家族遗产显示 导演的祖父在 1940 年代,在其中一个电影剪辑中,夹克翻领上有一个纳粹标志。 代表数百万谋杀的象征如何改变亲人的看法?我们对祖父母了解多少?以及如何将照片和电影记录、记忆和家庭叙述以及档案材料的拼图拼凑成一个连贯的画面,让历史和家族历史的铰链结合在一起? 一场记忆的斗争。