- 單親爸爸荷利托與女兒葉莎相依為命雖然資源有限,父女倆仍以歡笑面對、快樂度日。然而平靜的生活,卻在荷利托意外捲入一名小女孩的死亡後變了調。遭指控為嫌犯並鋃鐺入獄的他,被迫與女兒分隔兩地,又因著智能障礙無法為自己辯護,只能默默承受牢獄之災。所幸荷利托的純真心靈使他和獄友建立革命情感,然而庭審就在眼前,他究竟能否洗刷冤屈,重…
- Haitian history is presented through an explosion of colour, dance and music, as the country prepares for its legendary carnival.
- In August 2020, a plane traveling from Siberia to Moscow made an emergency landing. One of its passengers, Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, was deathly ill. Taken to a local Siberian hospital and eventually evacuated to Berlin, doctors confirmed that he had been poisoned with Novichok, a nerve agent implicated…