- Do we truly know one another? Every one of us has three lives: a public, a private and secret one. What we once stored in our memories is now being stored in our phones - what happens when these are made public?
- The pursuit of Zuhal (40) starts with a meow. After a long day of hours in the traffic jam of Istanbul, teaching English in a corporation and an uncomfortable flirting with one of her students, Zuhal arrives home. After spending some time alone, she starts hearing a cat’s meow in her flat. First she pays no attention, …
- TaniaandDanielaaretwocousinswhohavemaintainedacloseandintimaterelationshipthroughouttheirlives.Bothmarried,thecousinsconfessthattheyliveinastrangesituation,theirhusbandsaregoodandkindtothem,theyenjoyagoodsocialandeconomicposition,buttheyhavefallenintoaroutineandmonotony,appearingapatheticandboredintheirdays.Duringawedd…