- China, IL (meaning China, Illinois) is an American animated television series created by Brad Neely for the Adult Swim programming block on Cartoon Network. The series takes place at The University of China, Illinois, dubbed the "Worst College in America" and located at the edge of town. The school's poor rep…
- China, IL (meaning China, Illinois) is an American animated television series created by Brad Neely for the Adult Swim programming block on Cartoon Network. The series takes place at The University of China, Illinois, dubbed the "Worst College in America" and located at the edge of town. The school's poor rep…
- Bhagwati Prasad looks after the vast estate of his deceased brother, assisted by his wife, and brother-in-law, Markutey. Bhagwati has got into debt and has been embezzling money in order to pay his debtors. His spoiled and rude niece, Renu, who resides in the United States decides to pay them a visit. Bhagwati welcomes…