- The story of Gabi Teichert (played by Hannelore Hoger) who had already begun to dig around in search of the roots of German history in Germany in Autumn. In daily school life, at the party convention of the Social Democrats (SPD), on the Day of Penance and during Advent: She remains stalwart on her quest for a republic…
- If you were reunited with your former love, would you close the door on the past or re-kindle the flame? This is just the question that MTV's new show The X Effect asks. We invite two exes and their current significant others to a romantic resort for what both couples thing will be a weekend of romance, heartbreak and …
- Jake Silver, a television producer, arrives in Miami to work on the morning show, GOOD MORNING MIAMI. What he sees is a utter mess like for instance the anchorman, Gavin Stone is recovering alcoholic who is pompous and arrogant, as is the anchorwoman Lucia, and the weather girl is a nun. Frank, the man who brings Jake …