- Adaptation of James D. Solomon's 2016 documentary about the story behind the infamous murder of Kitty Genovese.
- A feature film based on amazing and unusual accomplishments included in the "Guinness Book of World Records."
- The Extraordinaries is a docu – series that focuses on people and communities marginal to Israeli society, people who live outside the mainstream norms by choice or fate. The series is characterized by its non-judgmental standpoint which a…
- Withthequarantinefinallyover,thenewseasonof"MythicQuest”findseveryonebackintheoffice(well,almosteveryone),attemptingtobuilduponthesuccessofRaven’sBanquetbylaunchinganepicnewexpansion,butIan(RobMcElhenney)andthenewlypromotedco-creative…
- Madness Remixed explores the image of exoticism portrayed by Josephine Baker in a 1926 performance entitled The Madness of the Day in which Baker wore the infamous skirt, made of only bananas, that played into stereotypes of Black women as hyper-sexualised. Madness Remixed questions the conditions under which the skirt…
- During the pandemic, the filmmaker’s son found himself stuck at home for a very long time. Ying Liang watched him cut out a portrait of Abbas Kiarostami from a book, and create a face mask on the face of the Iranian filmmaker. Liang observ…