搜索 Ness

  • 电视剧剧情
  • A young woman returns home after 13 years to her sick mother's crumbling hillside mansion and finds murder and swift death lurking in the dark.
  • 电影喜剧
    影片讲述了清朝王爷小寅因厌倦宫廷式婚姻,一心寻找值得千年守护的爱情故事。   小王爷以各种奇葩的理由拒绝母后精心为他挑选的各类上流千金,致使母后以为他可能是中邪了,便想 请元稹真人作法驱邪,但元稹真人正值外出驱妖,其女弟子苏礼礼代为驱邪。怎料,小寅对苏礼礼一见 倾心,千方百计想要接近苏礼礼。   奈何苏礼礼因儿时阴影 ,加…
  • 电影恐怖
    根据80年代的电子游戏它来自沙漠改编,向1950年代致敬。本片的特色是沙漠、摩托车英雄和女英雄、沙漠中的派对、秘密地下军事基地...... 当然还有巨型蚂蚁。
  • Horror anthology film containing 7 short original stories, loosely connected by the titular party.
  • 电影恐怖
    老宋(高捷 饰)是一家小饭馆的小老板,因为欠了高利贷四处筹钱,某日他约了卖保险的朋友阿康在码头旁的一家小酒馆喝酒,想跟阿康借钱。一顿酒喝下来不仅没借到钱,老宋去后巷的厕所时还目击到了一场车祸。情急之下,老宋回去叫了阿康去救伤者,二人将伤者抬上车后却发现人早已断了气。二人害怕受牵连,就将尸体扔在了医院门口,并把证据都销毁…
  • Spence, is a bored desk jockey trying to con his way into becoming a private investigator and that's how he meets Sofia and the whole hell breaks loose.
  • This documentary on The UFO Phenomenon aims to show that some UFOs may be extraterrestrial and that secrecy and ridicule are regularly employed to keep the truth about UFOs hidden.
  • 电影剧情
  • Marco Vasquez and his family have seen tragedy and despair throughout their lives at the hands of an evil entity. Now that Marco is about to start a family of his own, he is forced to return to his childhood home where it all began to put a stop to it once and for all.