- 安利科是叱吒业界的王牌顾问,他总是有办法说服废柴高层交棒,拯救大企业于水火。表面呼风唤雨的安利科,私下严谨孤行,不愿重蹈父亲抛家弃子的覆辙。然而独来独往的平静生活,却被误闯空门的异国美女亚莉诺打破。来历成谜的亚莉诺,举手投足都撼摇著安利科的定见。同时间,一家跨国集团的经营者意外骤逝,让安利科首次接触到稚嫩富二代的良善,…
- In the late 18th century, Captain James Cook led three great voyages of discovery which pushed the borders of the British Empire to the ends of the earth. In just over a decade, his ability as a navigator and chart maker would add one-third to the map of the known world. For many he was the greatest explorer in history…