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  • “长角恋过界”是一部向80年代致敬的校园性喜剧。1982年,主人公Kevin还是在德州念书的楞头大学生,整天和兄弟会的哥们鬼混,一起把妹,偶尔互相SY。当Kevin遇到公开的同志生Cesar后,他开始被Cesar吸引,情不自禁的冒出一些奇怪念头。他害怕被人知道这一切,然而他不知道的是兄弟会里他很多同伴...作为出柜电影,“长角恋过界”恶搞而不恶俗。…
  • 由於開車出遊發生狀況而被困在小鎮之中,一個年輕男子、在這個陌生的地方,卻意外地找到屬於自己的愛情和自我。條目創建人:星夜桐影 tvxqmilkJeff is a failing post-college writer whose parents are finally kicking him out of the house. With this in mind, Jeff starts out on a road…
  • The film focuses on a "teenage hockey phenomenon whose intellectual mother, played by Olivia Newton-John, is dismayed by his ascent to fame." Newcomer Noah Reid plays the teen hero. Meanwhile, Nelly Furtado is playing an obsessed hockey fan, and there are a number of Canadian names to look out for, including:…
  • 故事开始于一个祖母级的女人Peggy跟邻居装假肢的丈夫偷情, 结果, 却在motel洗澡出来之后不小心踩到假肢跌倒而死.这个阿妈的丧礼, 因此把剧中家庭的成员集合在一起.这个阿妈有两个女儿一个儿子, 其中大女儿跟那个偷情被背叛的老婆是好朋友.二女儿有个儿子远在洛杉矶, 在祖母过世前一个星期,她才应邀去看他宝贝儿子的表演,结果居然是一个同志裸剧…
  • 当三个叛变的女神用神力窃取七个神奇的霹雳时,拯救宇宙免于永恒的混乱和黑暗的使命落到了一个人身上:大力士赫拉克勒斯。当奥林匹亚的敌人成群结队袭击赫拉克勒斯时,我们的主角必须竭尽全力,击败他们,夺回霹雳,在宇宙中与他的死敌米诺斯国王进行最后一战
  • Filmed amidst the bloody confrontation between Guatemala's military and virtually unarmed Mayans, this Sundance award-winning documentary chronicles the amazing story of Rigoberta Menchú of the Quiché tribe, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her bravery and humanitarianism. A true David and Goliath tale, the re…
  • Young bachelor Babee is looking after his dead mother's estate when married couple Keith and Vera move in. Babee becomes attracted to them by the beautiful Vera and the risk taking Keith. However at a party Vera crashes her car, putting Keith into a coma. When Keith comes out he is in a semi-vegetative state and must r…