- The film focuses on a "teenage hockey phenomenon whose intellectual mother, played by Olivia Newton-John, is dismayed by his ascent to fame." Newcomer Noah Reid plays the teen hero. Meanwhile, Nelly Furtado is playing an obsessed hockey fan, and there are a number of Canadian names to look out for, including:…
- Filmed amidst the bloody confrontation between Guatemala's military and virtually unarmed Mayans, this Sundance award-winning documentary chronicles the amazing story of Rigoberta Menchú of the Quiché tribe, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her bravery and humanitarianism. A true David and Goliath tale, the re…
- Young bachelor Babee is looking after his dead mother's estate when married couple Keith and Vera move in. Babee becomes attracted to them by the beautiful Vera and the risk taking Keith. However at a party Vera crashes her car, putting Keith into a coma. When Keith comes out he is in a semi-vegetative state and must r…