- 這是一部家庭電影,體現家庭的重要性。家是一個滋養的環境,家人在此相聚並分享彼此的生活,細微的舉動和互動透露出彼此之間的愛與支持,反思日常生活中那些微妙但重要的愛的時刻,當我們觀察和反思時,才能發現並珍惜這些時刻的重要性。
- 故事时间为战国时代,世上具有各种魑魅魍魉、异形妖怪等等总称为「暗」的存在。喜欢人类的暗·妖狐小玉,以及厌恶人类的仙道·迅火,姊弟两人进行著扫荡罪恶的救世活动。另外还有一群专门对付暗的僧侣·断怪众,他们以不人道的方式进行人体改造,迅火等人与他们产生激烈冲突!人类当中也有坏人,非人类的存在也不见得都是邪恶的,迅火因过去的事…
- Mrs. Bradley is asked by Insp. Henry Christmas to help investigate the murder of a member of a traveling circus. The woman, who appeared as the human target in the knife throwing act, was stabbed to death and stumbled onto the stage. The police soon arrest the knife thrower but Mrs. Bradley isn't convinced they've got …