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  • 电影生活
  • With the observation of Gaspar, Reverie in the Meadow ponders in the painful effects of violence and extortion rampant through out several states of Mexico.
  • The Olivier Award-winning Mischief Theatre brings Peter Pan Goes Wrong to BBC One, narrated by David Suchet and filmed in front of a live audience.
  • Stan, Katie, Rosie, Max, the baby and Rufus the dog decide to go on an adventure in search of bears.
  • In London, two brothers set up a plan to kidnap the Queen's priceless dogs and run over Buckingham Palace.
  • Alt Manheim is a found footage film, which is partly based on true events. A whole village seems to hide behind a dark secret. At first glance, many abandoned and barricaded houses give the impression that life was once thriving in this small little town. A young reporter, Mara, along with her cameraman Maik, decide to…
  • 一个有英雄梦的屌丝低级文员单子明,傻傻地被自己心爱的女神陷害利用,派到武当派传人周时通家里潜伏,谋取契约,单子明为搏得女神欢心,助纣为虐还懵然不知,而且还协助自己的老板任天笑将周时通绑架,到后来单仔明才发现自己的老板为人处事心狠手辣,于是他良心发现,决定弃暗投明,联手其他帮派的正义之士苦练武功,布下阵法,铲除恶霸了任天…
  • 一位91岁的纳粹大屠杀幸存者把自己的小提琴捐了出去,改变了一个12岁女生以及他自己的人生。
  • UFO sightings are reported in northeastern Guatemala. Rober Daneri a frustrated college professor along with the production team of a sensationalist TV show embark on a supernatural journey across the thin boundary between blind faith, self-delusion and the unknown in search of truth.