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  • 电影
  • Sunny Bridges (or just Sunny) is among the biggest music stars of his time. However, he grew sick of the commercialism and fame that came with his craft, and longed to "follow the music" again. To find it, he traveled to his childhood neighborhood, "A-Town", and stumbled upon the First-Year Music Cl…
  • 捷克新浪潮的早期经典,Jan Nemec作品,主演里居然有英国著名导演Lindsay Anderson。。。http://www.pecina.cz/files/www.ce-review.org/01/17/kinoeye17_hames.htmlThis romance is comprised of three tales representing different aspects of love: temptation, dreams,…
  • A feature length documentary tracing the early history of iconic Manchester record label Factory Records between 1978 & 1981.The Facts and fictions are explored through candid interviews with 22 key participants, including Anthony H. Wilson (founder) and Peter Saville (designer), as well as musicians including Peter Ho…
  • 电影生活
  • 年轻貌美的寡妇贝蕾丝(Martha Navarro 饰)与义母约瑟芬娜夫人生活在一所宽大的房子里,约瑟芬娜夫人老朽多病,视钱如命,靠放高利贷为生,虽然义子义女众多但身边只得贝蕾丝照顾起居。人们传言贝蕾丝放火烧死了自己的丈夫,那场火在她左脸上留下瘢痕。为约瑟芬娜服务多年的医生病故,医生之子罗德里格返乡料理后事时与贝蕾丝相见,两人心中同…
  • 从04年到06年,总共获得了8个奖。(05年获得芝加哥电影节, Moondance电影节颁发的奖)Oil on Ice connects the fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to critical decisions America makes about energy policy. Caught in the balance are the Gwich'in Indians and …
  • The film stars Libuse Safránková as the title character, a young woman who is put upon by her stepmother and stepsisters. The film employs a twist, though, when a handsome prince comes knocking. Cinderella does not simply fall into the pri…