搜索 Nicholson

  • 电视剧剧情
    改编自Robyn Carr浪漫小说的Netflix集新剧《#维琴河# Virgin River》尚未有上线日期,就已获续订10集第二季。
  • Award winning horror comedy A lonely man. An internet romance. A house with no doors. When a lonely man finds out the love of his life has a conjoined twin, who happens to be a serial killer, he must take drastic measures to keep his love life intact while keeping himself out of big trouble.
  • 在巴黎的腹地,有一秘密邪恶的俱乐部,表面上它就像一个普通的宗教俱乐部或者哥特风夜总会。不过这栋建筑就像海绵一样,藏着许多秘密的空间,其中一个就被称为“灵魂的房间”,这是世界上最富有和最邪恶的人私人聚会的场所。它们的主人就是优雅又可怕的Madame Sabatier夫人。他们的娱乐就是听每个成员讲述真实而堕落的故事:一个好妻 子得知丈…
  • 故事发生在一所高中里,一名很受欢迎的男教师因为学生们的恶作剧而意外身亡。2年后,毕业班的学生们在校园内搞了一个慈善活动,一个不请自来的客人打扮成吉祥物的模样出现在校园里,他切断了电源,锁起了门窗。是死去的老师回来复仇,还是......http://imax.im/movies/48180
  • The teenagers Shirin and Soran are in love, and want to marry, but Shirin's father has arranged her marriage, and forbids them. On her wedding night Soran kidnaps her for them to be together.
  • 在第三次世界大戰後的美國,蘿瑞想藉著販售黑市電腦晶片,讓人重溫肉體的歡愉快感。當她和當地黑幫在酒吧廝混時,警方突然進行臨檢,僥倖逃脫的她決定自立更生賣晶片維生,但首先她必須先逃過黑白兩道的追捕,安全抵達紐約地下室界。
  • "Scores of Allied pilots during World War I surely muttered, "Curse you, Red Baron!" as the notorious Baron Manfred von Richthofen closed in with guns blazing from his distinctive bright-red German fighter. But then on April 21, 1918, the Baron took a bullet in the chest while in hot pursuit of his 81st …
  • 福尔摩斯和雷斯垂德探长一起寻找被绑架的华生……
  • The Nuremberg trials, 1946 Goering and the Nazi high command stand trial. Within the prison a dangerous mind game is being conducted by Goering and the prison guards who stand watch over the perpetrators of the Holocaust.
  • 《衣架》是一个关于复仇的可怕故事,故事开始于发生在穷街陋巷中的一次人工流产,结束于一场血腥屠杀,它是如此邪恶以至于给“以牙还牙”一词带来了新的含义。