- This is the fourth film in The Sugar Creek Gang series. The gang races through the swamp only to stumble upon previously unexplored territory that leads them right into the middle of a mystery. As if the puzzling new discoveries aren't enough, Poetry's lamb causes mischief in the schoolhouse and gets everyone into hot …
- Vladislav Mikosha (1909–2004) really lived the shifting 20th century: At a young age, while working as a cinema projectionist, he saw the silent film NANOOK OF THE NORTH and realized that he simply had to become a cinematographer. After th…
- 在墨西哥的某个村落,年幼的潘克•万尼拉正坐在墙头读着关于斗牛士的书。这时,他身形巨硕的母亲阻止了他,妈妈说他永远也不会成为一名斗牛士,他只能乖乖当一个好宝宝。小盘克对此很郁闷,他自怨自艾,引得路过于此的小姑娘们一阵奚落。女孩们偶然看见英俊的斗牛士丹•乔斯的巡回表演海报,她们发出欢呼之声,进而又继续嘲笑小盘克。郁闷的小盘…