- プロ野球球団パイレーツのリリーフエース・水城雄一(仲村トオル)は試合中に右目を負傷し、視力を失う。しかも、最愛の妻(高島礼子)は病院へ駆けつける途中で事故死する。事故から3年が経っても、雄一は立ち直れないで居た。八百長事件を扱った点が面白く予断を許さないサスペンス味あふれる展開で面白いが、後半で細部の描き込みが足りない…
- The true story of teen Mary-Margaret Carter (Calista Flockhart) and her battle with bulimia. Part of "Lifestories: Families in Crisis" series of short films.
- Germany, 1920. First World War is lost. The peace treaty of Versailles obliges Germany to reduce its army, the "Reichswehr" to 100,000 soldiers. Influencal groups of economists and military leaders connect in the "Nationalen Vereinigung" a national convention to plan the coup d'etat. Among them the …
- Guests at a luxury hotel are horrified when they witness a man literally "disappear into thin air." The vanished man's relatives hire a detective, who goes to the hotel to investigate the disappearance.