- In Spring 2020, Ukraine is in lockdown. Returning to the family household after three years away, Olena Kyrychenko finds a depressive mother and an ill father, who is drowning his forced unemployment in alcohol. Her film chronicles with precision an extimate territory, located on the edge of the lost world of childhood…
- When Molly moves into her new apartment after a tragic accident, a strange noise from upstairs begins to unnerve her. As its intensity grows, she confronts her neighbors – but no one seems to hear what she is hearing.
- AftertheeventsofStarWars:EpisodeIX-TheRiseofSkywalker(2019),PoeDameronandBB-8mustmakeanemergencylandingonthevolcanicplanetMustafarwheretheymeetthegreedyandconnivingGraballatheHutt.ThecrimebosshaspurchasedDarthVader’scastleandisrenovatingitintothegalaxy’sfirstall-inclusiveSith-inspiredluxuryhotel.WhilewaitingforhisX-Win…