- Play dealing with the life of British Army lieutenant Siegfried Sassoon, and his protests against the inhumanity of the First World War.
- KnightRiderisa2008televisionfilmwhichwascreatedtoserveasabackdoorpilotforthenewKnightRidertelevisionseries,arevivaloftheseriesofthesamenamewhichairedduringthe1980s.ThisfilmdoesnotrefertoeithertheKnightRider2000filmortheTeamKnightRidertelevisionseries.
- When the body of a doorkeeper in the House of Lords is found floating in the Thames, Lynley gets a chance to reunite with an old school mate, who heads a powerful committee deciding what missile defense system to buy. Havers, impressed with the setting, spends her nights meeting men through a dating service.