- 《不是所有爸爸都站着尿尿》(Tous les papas ne font pas pipi debout )是一部温馨可爱的小品影片。内容描述两个女同志恋人Zoe和 Dan,以及Zon的小孩Simon所共组的家庭故事。原本相处愉快的一家人,因为新邻居的来临而发生一连串的冲突与争吵。Simon因为邻居孩子嘲笑他的爸爸是个女人而与Dan发生争吵,进而牵动一家子的哭笑吵闹。中间穿插…
- Abel, an immature and eccentric man finds himself at a turning point. He sleepwalks through his life, which revolves around his dying mother and journalist girlfriend Madeleine, who is even more immature than he is. Abel is finally made to face up to reality when he has to say goodbye to his mother and then, by chance,…