- After nearly fifteen years behind bars, lefty revolutionary Bruno (Belvaux) escapes and heads back to Grenoble, France. His plan? Settle some old scores, hook up with his foxy ex-lover (Frot), and avoid the cop on his tail (Melki). An unexpected event, however, brings cop and crook closer than they ever could have expe…
- LIP製錶廠勞工抗爭是1970年代法國社會史中無法抹滅的一頁。歷經長期的紛紛擾擾,工人們視‘Lip’為「解放」之名,(再度)佔領了工廠,再度展開了鐘錶的生產。然而男性所主控的抗爭訴求,簡直是半個字也沒提到為數過半的女性們!何謂民主?何謂工作?而本片所紀錄的,正是來自工廠女性們優雅、風趣而有力的指證。