- In 2018, a user called AnathematicAnarchist published a suicide note in an online forum for incels – a subculture of heterosexual men whose self-pity, misogyny and fantasies of violence dominate the internet in many places and trigger offl…
- 新作 OVA《Re:从零开始的异世界生活 Memory Snow》中,昴等人顺利打倒诅咒的元凶的魔兽、并拯救村庄的小孩子们。就在和平终于到来之际,昴挑战了一项无人知晓、某项极秘任务……
- A euphoric record of Sheffield-based Studio Electrophonique, which nurtured a generation of superstars such as ABC, The Human League, Heaven 17, Clock DVA and Pulp. Ken Patten was a panel beater who sported a rakish moustache and had a passion for music. He built his own creative universe in the downstairs extension of…