- It is the year 2105... a young, inexperienced and highly flawed crew embarks on a routine exploratory space mission. Suddenly, their ship, the UMP Cruiser, is drawn through a portal into a different, mysterious universe. With no maps, no contact, and no way back home, Captain Stewart Lipinski, First Officer/Stewart's-O…
- 在某个临海小镇,隶属魔导士公会下设分支机构“妖精的尾巴(FairyTail)”的纳兹·多拉格尼尔(柿原彻也配音)、露西·哈特菲利亚(平野绫配音)、格雷·佛尔帕斯塔(中村悠一配音)等人接受委托,前来捉拿某盗贼团头领基斯。经过一番激战,虽然纳兹等人消灭盗贼团的大多数成员,可是基斯还是在露西面前溜走。心灰意冷的众人回到总部,露西则意…
- 观赏这部穿插 14 首 #桃莉·巴顿原创歌曲的 Netflix 佳节音乐片,享受冬青树摇曳的 #2020 圣诞节。 《小镇圣诞爱》描述闪闪发光的天使(桃莉)找上小镇裡的「吝啬鬼」雷吉娜·富勒(克莉丝汀·巴伦斯基饰),引领她展开一趟乐音缭绕的救赎之旅。吝啬的地主会在圣诞夜把富勒镇的居民通通逐出家门,还是圣诞精神终究会融化她的贪婪慾望呢? 本片…
- In the year 1900 in the Thousand Days 分钟War, Hortensia and Salvador discover Dionisia, a wounded indigenous woman in the stable of their farm. She has the rebel flag braided into her hair. A large reward is being offered for her capture.