- 本作是变形金刚之领袖的挑战动画的续作,是变形金刚系列动画的最新作品,故事背景讲述的是艾之墓监狱舰在皇冠城附近坠毁,羁押着霸天虎囚犯的休眠舱四散各地。丹尼和罗素父子俩住在皇冠城外,丹尼爱好收集二手机械物品,拥有一大片“废料场”。大黄蜂带领着一队年轻气盛的汽车人 - 循规蹈矩的学警铁腕、叛逆的横炮、自命不凡的恐龙机器钢锁、颇…
- It's difficult to imagine the people of Gotham City walking the streets without their Dark Knight to protect them. But in this animated Batman tale set in the not-too-distant future, Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Batman) decides to call it quits and retire the Bat-suit. After Wayne retreats to his mansion to live the life of a h…