- 当一个新的出租房屋租客遇到一个失忆的幽灵。抢救发生在死亡后49天。让我们一起看看他能不能逃脱的结论。)~~改编自泰国漫画《我和我房间里的鬼》。\r\n When a new rental house moves leading to meet an amnesiac wraith. Th e rescue occurred 49 days after death. Let's see the con…
- 500 years before the Clone Wars the Galactic Republic builds "The Citadel", which is a maximum security facility designed to keep "Rogue Jedi" imprisoned. Rogue Jedi all over the galaxy are being located and brought back. This is the story of one of these retrievals. Written by Shahbaz Sarwar