- In making this film, I wanted to investigate a formal device that I had started using in GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM: presenting dreams as text through the form of scratched words which have to be read rather than recreating the "look" of the dream through images. In the previous film, I used fourteen dreams. In B…
- Jackie Marsh, a lonely secretary in a New York legal firm, invites a male paralegal in her office over for dinner. The film follows the rocky course of their odd first date as the pair's conversation ranges from awkward pauses to small revelations.
- Cowboys系列6个短片,每个短片3分钟:Slim Pickin's,That's Nothin',Murder!,High Noon,The Conformist,Outrage。用黑红墨水作画,重口味。对政客选举、宗教禁欲、媒体舆论、仇恨暴力、削除个性、看客心理、传统思维等的讽刺。