- A faux cautionary documentary based on Kenneth Anger's book Hollywood Babylon that portrays several notorious celebrity sex scandals from the golden age of Hollywood through film clips and often humorous softcore reenactments. Like the book, the movie covers both real and rumored scandals. The movie consists of sexploi…
- 传奇影业购得《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》一书电影改编权。该书由约翰·格雷所著,被誉为最著名的两性情感关系图书。格雷在书中总结:男人和女人在认知方面存在巨大差异,男人习惯“聚焦式”、女人习惯“发散式”,男女注定在思维方式、做事方法等方面迥然不同。格雷将出任新片制片。
- It's 1955 and curious 14-year-old Bronx kid Lenny has a mission for his summer: to witness two adults in the midst of an "act of love." When his mother sends him to Queens to stay with his pregnant aunt and uncle, Lenny thinks his plan is doomed, until he meets his gorgeous adult neighbor Hedy and hooks up wi…