- Jesus Morales is an expert hitman, he's in congress to kill his former Congressman boss.
- The legendary band RED WARRIORS, who conquered not only Japan's rock scene but also made their mark worldwide in the 1980s, featured two genius musicians: Diamond ☆ Yukai and Kogure Takehiko. Now, they have formed a new band called Diamond Shake. This documentary is about two men who have dedicated their passion and li…
- 曾红及一时的《恋爱巴士》是征选单身男女参加的恋爱实境节目,由4男3女搭乘粉红色恋爱巴士展开异国之旅,对有好感的对象告白时,会给对方机票,若告白成功,双方接吻并一起回到日本交往;若遭拒绝则只有告白者独自下车回国,并由新成员递补加入旅程