搜索 Novák

  • Fun, spoofy, and unabashedly low-budget, ALIENS GONE WILD is another fun collection of extraterrestrial mayhem from Full Moon Features, with more than three hours' worth of footage of aliens wreaking havoc--and mankind making a bold last stand.From Angel City to the barren desert, razor sharp claws, killer parasites, d…
  • 电影
    Lucia到布宜诺斯艾利斯来陪同一位匈牙利电影导演参加布宜诺斯艾利斯独立电影节。在那她遇见了自称是著名导演贝拉·塔尔的天使的Pablo。Lucia和Pablo,还有导演Laszlo Novak结伴,将会踏上一场寻找导演遗失电影的旅程。Lucia arrives to Buenos Aires with a mission, take care of a Hungarian filmmaker…
  • 影片试图描述臭名昭著的“惩届营”的真相,二战期间,在苏联惩戒营由政冶犯、罪犯和违反军纪的普通士兵组成
  • Instead of going to Belgrade, a boy called Mita joins illegal movement. Germans, who occupied Belgrade in the meantime, start to hunt down communists. Many of them are killed, but Mita succeeds to get to the freed land together with a girl who was going to Belgrade with him.
  • Members of Jasna's group are suspicious because of her firing from occupation Special police squad and they start avoiding her. She finds out the members of the group have been betrayed but they become even more suspicious. At the moment when they were ready to liquidate her the true traitor is revealed. Thanks to Jasn…
  • The female survivor of a shipwreck and two Coast Guard helicopter pilots sent to rescue her find themselves trapped in a mysterious part of the ocean known as Satan’s Triangle.
  • 又名《地狱之河》。漂亮的Maballa与父亲相依为命,她的情郎Pierre是一位骑警。恶棍Gaspard得知Maballa的父亲涉嫌谋杀(实际上属于冤枉),就以告发威胁Maballa嫁给他。别无选择的Maballa只得与Gaspard订婚,此时,Pierre和Rin Tin Tin正好赶回,一名牧师告诉他发生的一切,于是两人展开生死决斗,当Pierre难以招架时,忠诚的Rin Ti…
  • 电影剧情
    汤姆(马修·古迪 Matthew Goode 饰)是一家海鲜餐厅的厨师,他放荡不羁,孤僻易怒,常常把不同的女人带回家。因为眷恋着妻子的一头卷发,他偏爱和戴着卷发的女人上床。他和儿子住在一起,这个曾经十分幸福的家庭,因为妻子莎拉(博亚娜·科维奇 Bojana Novakovic 饰)的病逝而变得支离破碎。莎拉去世后,按照她的意愿将视网膜移植给一个病人。…