搜索 Nunez

  • An Evangelical Christian man attends the burial of his father in his hometown, where he has to participate in religious cults that clash with his beliefs.
  • "Uncharted" is a story of a documentary film crew who crash on an island, when they were in hopes of finding a rare animal, a jaguar, that is believed to inhabit the jungle. Laine Wells, an ambitious workaholic, is leading her award winning documentary crew to the Island of Gabriola for another exciting exped…
  • based on the 1933 O Henry Award winning short story by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, "Gal Young 'Un" is as close to an honest and loving treatment of backwoods Florida c.1930 as you will ever see. Victor Nunez, a Florida native, has spent his career interpreting Florida's varied and little known histories and pla…
  • "Woodstock teen, Rosie, mourning the first anniversary of her younger sister's death discovers the mysterious man who sexploited and bullied her sister to commit suicide is back on-line trolling for new victims. After the authorities refuse to get involved she finds a darkness she never knew she had when she takes…
  • 意大利摄影大师Franco Rubartelli移居南美国家委内瑞拉后在本地拍摄的一部影片,讲述一个普通的雅诺玛米族小男孩与白人修女之间的真挚友情,摄影极其优美,对委内瑞拉雨林中各种动植物、自然环境和印第安原住民的生活有全面的展示,是一部经典的南美自然主义电影。片名“Ya Koo”是雅诺玛米语。This is movie is a trademark …
  • Ricky, a top contender in Muay Thai Kickboxing trains for the title belt, all the while dealing with new relationships, money problems, and family drama.
  • 剧情:年轻的女孩,Roby(Ashley Judd饰),在旅游淡季的时候来到了弗罗里达州的一个度假村,她想在那里开始她全新的生活。她在那里的一家旅游纪念品商店找到了一份营业员的工作,这家商店是由Mildred Chambers经营的。Roby在那里的时候和Mildred Chambers那成天不切实际地幻想的儿子Ricky Chambers(Bentley Mitchum…
  • 电影生活
    「或许得开始承认那些令我们无能为力的环境,我们自己也得负上责任。我相信西方人的生活方式抑制了人们的潜能发展。你看本片,应该明白人类的行为有多愚蠢。紊乱将人蚕食,情况越来越严重」 ─导演 洛伊 安德森(Roy Andersson)极具野心的挑战性钜作,宗教、经济、世代关系、家庭、情爱,种种议题都经过奇特而荒谬的扭曲,呈现出世人经常视而不…
  • 由萨尔瓦多·西姆(SALVADOR SIMÓ)联合编剧并执导的西班牙、法国合拍动画电影《布努埃尔在神龟迷宫中》则获得了特别评委会奖。这部电影捕捉了超现实主义电影大师布努埃尔和他的朋友兼资助人拉蒙的生活片断,他们在着手制作一部令人出乎意料且野心勃勃的关于西班牙拉斯维德地区的纪录片。