- A young girl is given a gift on Christmas Eve that causes her to embark on an unexpected adventure.
- Controversial political journalist David Freeman is met outside one of his lectures by a man with inside information about an imminent false flag event. An event that's responsible for the deaths of forty one women and children in a remote northern Canadian town. He's thrust into the middle of the fray when he's contac…
- 在维也纳举行了隆重的皇家婚礼后,茜茜开始了她皇后的生活。倔强的茜茜和专制的皇太后苏菲之间的矛盾,在茜茜的女儿出生后到达了顶点。苏菲援引皇家的传统不让茜茜抚养自己的女儿,而弗兰兹却顺从了母亲的旨意。茜茜一气之下回到了娘家巴伐利亚,弗兰兹也追随而至,他们合好如初。他们回到奥地利后发现苏菲也改变了主意,同意茜茜抚养女儿。之后…
- 茜茜证明了自己不仅能出色地处理国家大事,也能妥善处理与婆婆的关系。但是,当她和安德森伯爵前往匈牙利安抚不愿俯首称臣的贵族时,苏菲却在散布茜茜与伯爵关系不寻常的谣言。茜茜出游时染上了严重的肺病,在母亲的帮助下才得以康复。病愈后,茜茜陪同弗兰兹访问奥地利统治下的意大利。尽管那里的人民强烈地反对奥地利的统治,但茜茜还是赢得了…
- the story of Jaakko, a wheelchair-bound blind man, prisoner in his own home. A film buff, he has seen all films before loosing his sight, but not Titanic that he has kept unopened in his DVD collection. When his girlfriend - herself disabled and a fan of Titanic - tells him her health is declining, he sets out on a per…