- In 1945, Winston Churchill was cast out of office by the British electorate. It was a terrible blow for the man who had just led his country to victory in the Second World War. But he refused to accept defeat, fighting back to become Prime Minister once more and writing a monumental history of the war. Professor David …
- 今年是《傲慢与偏见》发表200周年纪念,我们将要重回那个时代,跟随主持人去还原摄政时代的舞会场景,我们会查阅她的朋友玛莎·劳埃德的菜谱,烹饪出那些奥斯丁喜爱的菜肴。我们会听到这样的舞曲,它们取自奥斯丁家族乐谱,当夜色降临在舞厅时 我们会回到1813年的冬天。通过探索那个时代的各种细微之处,那些奥斯丁自己舞会经历的所看 所闻 所…