- XR Interactive online platform with immersive VR film, sound, and archival components. ‘Tales of a Nomadic City’ is an immersive, multi-platform project chronicling the city of Nouakchott in Mauritania.
- 《赵无极艺境三部曲》聚焦画家人生中的三段历程、三座城市,追溯了他一生的创作、内心经历与超越生命的艺术旅程。杭州篇记录了15岁的赵无极来到杭州国立艺术院求学,遇到了林风眠、吴大羽等名师。1985年他重返母校,为年轻的中国艺术家讲课一个月。赵无极在寻访中国的名胜古迹的同时,也找到了创作《致敬马蒂斯》的灵感。本片通过中国美术学院许…
- According to recent findings in astrophysics, the universe is structured as a four-dimensional web-like network. Yet similar structures are created by organisms many times smaller – known as slime mold. Can the parallel between the realms of biology and physics help us understand the mystery of our changing and intrica…
- 这是又一部关于时间、空间和人性的哲学命题动画。日本动画所特有的那种创造离奇而宏大世界观的做法,在本作中再次得到淋漓尽致的体现。如果你是一个逻辑能力较弱的人,或许真的很难看懂影片中关于时间线的种种匪夷所思的设定,但是你依然能体会当人类通过时间机器穿越时空时所带来的种种伦理难题。“命运石之门”起始于2009年的一款游戏,后被改…
- Bands of the image network wrap and overlay elements in the landscape, decomposing them into a structure of panels, cut-outs and colours. Artworks in open space are transposed into systems of image and sound elements, and wandering through the place becomes an adventure through the bends of bird's eye perspectives, lig…
- Gerda’s date with her neighbor does not go as planned when her mother – a narcissistic but humorous grande dame of the theater – shows up at the door. During dinner, both the accusations and the theatrical eccentricity of the visitor esca…