搜索 ONeil

  • 被称为伦敦维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆史上销售最火爆的展览之一,“大卫·鲍伊 is”被《时代》周刊形容为“时尚并粗粝着”。纪录片带领观众跟随日本时尚设计师山本宽斋、英国Britpop代表人物贾维斯·考科尔以及其他重要合作伙伴的脚步,去发掘鲍伊艺术生涯中的重要物品及其背后的故事,开启一段神奇之旅。
  • Diana Fankhauser和朋友们对一座活火山进行研究,当火山将要喷发时,他们发现有一只远古生物在火山里面苏醒,它是敌是友,Diana Fankhauser和朋友们又是否能逃出生天呢?
  • 特效化妆师马丁因为殴打事件被迫寻求催眠治疗控制脾气。因为母亲神秘离世,马丁返回老家,而那里不久后就发生了怪物杀人类事件。当地警长确信马丁与此事件脱不了干系,马丁自己也意识到,这些都与他的恶梦有关。
  • Arte、ABC和Smithsonian Channel联合制作,Michael O'Neill执导。在亚马逊的一个偏远地区,住着Piraha部落的最后300名成员。他们拥有世界上最奇怪的语言之一:他们对颜色和数字没有文字,这使它成为语言学家中最热门的辩论之一。1970年代,一名年轻有抱负的基督教传教士丹尼尔·埃弗雷特,一个留着红胡子的高大的美国人,为了拯救土著的灵魂,去…
  • 1984年的美国圣诞档曾出现过一部备受争议的电影《平安夜,杀人夜》,这部电影让圣诞老人化身杀人狂,在美好的圣诞夜晚大开杀戒,颠覆了孩子们心目中圣诞老人作为愿望使者的美好形象,这让家长们大为光火,合力抗议抵制,整个美国社会甚至形成了一股反恐怖电影的风潮。这种行为或许要拜美国六七十年代一系列的诸如越战失利,总统遇刺,国内经济衰…
  • When lonely feminist lecturer Miranda Thornton is found dead after a video she submitted to a dating agency is viciously made public on a scurrilous website,the first conclusion is suicide. But,with her answer phone removed and finger prints wiped,foul play is suspected. Miranda opposed property developer David Connell…
  • Graham Greene’s 50 books spanned seven decades and sold tens of millions of copies in countless languages. More than 100 of his stories have been adapted for television, theater and film — some, such as "The Quiet American" and &…
  • At an guest house in the Aran islands, two backpackers vie for the affections of a young woman who is haunted by her past.
  • In October 1984 rock musician Bob Geldof is appalled by the misery of starving Ethiopians as seen on television and persuades his pop musician friends to record the million selling charity single 'Do They Know it's Christmas?' Bob goes to Ethiopia and,horrified at the scale of the famine,plans a global rock concert to …
  • There are certain characteristics that my work shares with the work of other artists, not all of them in film. One is a concern with perceptual ambiguity, with subjects whose presence has more than one explanation. Finding the point at which content is both unstable and balanced led me to the use of multiple images lai…