- 即将满18岁的连体双胞胎姊妹黛西和维欧拉在婚礼或教堂献唱为业,两人优美又和谐的歌声深受众人欢迎,家里经济也仰赖她们承担,黛西却始终期待生活出现别的可能性;她们在一次表演时偶然结识一位英国医生,并指出两人其实有可能被分开,提议为这对姐妹花进行检查、执行分割手术,藉此走向各自独立的人生;不料她们身边的人似乎都不愿放弃这种“天…
- In one of his voyeur photography sessions, Virgil, an introspective mortician, notices Eden, a young musician at the beginning of her career. From the lens to an obsession, Virgil must face old demons to get Eden not only in his photos.
- The little Calavera duo, Finado and Moribunda, must leave their comfort zone away from Pueblo Calaca when a human infant crosses the Eternal Mirror, absorbing energy from a portal that separates the Realms from the living and dead.