- Ron Clarke competes at 1968 Summer Olympics but fails to win any medal. Feeling disappointed that he might have lost his last chance to win an Olympics medal he starts to doubt his career and decides to meet Emil Zátopek whom he adores. The film is about their dialogue during which audience can learn retrospectively ab…
- A complete and utter jackass wins the presidential election only to be abducted by the incumbent and his secret service men just before being sworn into office. Hijinks ensue.
- At 12, he’d already earned the title of Scottish surfing champion and competed worldwide. At 14, he needed a bigger challenge, and what could be more thrilling, frightening, and challenging than trying to ride giant waves in Ireland’s icy …
- 如果突然有一天,当你打开电子邮件收件箱时,一瞬间你的脑子里记下了那一闪而过的所有国际机密,对你来说是上天的眷顾亦或是噩梦的开始呢?至少对于Chuck来说这是他新生活的开始。一个电脑天才却只能在超市里给顾客修电脑,不时的要跟那个尖酸刻薄的老板对着干,但是又时刻担心着自己的饭碗不保。曾经的计算机高材生如今却只是一个小小的超市雇员…