搜索 Ogan

  • The story of an 11-year-old girl from a poor rural community who dreams of becoming a racing driver.Centering around eleven-year-old Mary, played by newcomer Niamh McGirr, who lives with her estranged parents on a struggling farm in rural Antrim, THE RACE is an Irish film that's both inspirational and, ultimately, upli…
  • The yet-untitled film was directed by Mandy Stein and Ben Logan and traces the history of the band from their formation in Washington, D.C. in 1979 to the present day. In addition to tons of footage from the band’s vault, the movie includes interviews with all four members (vocalist HR, guitarist Dr. Know, bassist Darr…
  • 身为食人族的珍妮特,表面上看来跟普通人没什么两样,然而实际上,她的吃人之旅充满了血腥。还有什么不能吃的,是家人还是朋友?感情和粮食到底哪个更重要呢?
  • 秃顶、金色胡须、古铜色的肌肉以及永不退减的狂热激情,这些都是传奇选手哈克•霍根(Huik Hogan)的经典招牌。这个已经在擂台上打拼了30多年的家伙,曾经经历了摔角行业最辉煌的年代。他曾在WM III上举起体形庞大的安德烈巨人(André the Giant),也曾在WM VI上和终极战士进行了艰苦的鏖战;更和新生代王者“巨石”强森(The Rock)…
  • 小脚丫、斯拉、史派克和达达偶遇两只傻得可爱的黄种恐龙——卢发和杜发,它们要去遥远的百瑞谷,却在途中迷了路。卢发和杜发看上去十分笨拙,难以找到回家的路,于是小脚丫和它的伙伴们决定帮助它们的新朋友。一路上它们共同体验了生命中重要的一课——智慧的力量。当它们最终到达百瑞谷时,小脚丫发现黄种恐龙们即使不参照它的想法,依靠它们自…
  • 由于恐龙谷缺水,导致大恐龙们反目成仇,“小足”和它四位朋友为此展开寻水之旅。一路上,小恐龙们历经暴龙的攻击,但它们仍勇往直前,成功地将遭受陨石阻塞的水源通顺,由于小恐龙的无私及勇气令大恐龙了解到共施共享的价值,而“小足”及伙伴们因此经验也学到了同心协力的意义。
  • While trying to escape their sins, three men's paths cross when they hide in the same cave to shelter from a heavy storm; these unacquainted sinners self-reckoning begins as they qiwan.cc await their death in the cave blocked by a landslide.