- "Approaching Midnight" is a gripping military themed action drama that follows young Army staff sergeant Wesley Kent (Sam Logan Khaleghi) who returns to his small town America home from war abroad. Kent must cope with burying the body of his best friend who passed away under his command Corporal AJ Culpepper …
- The plot focused on Victoria Winters arriving by train to Collinsport. She is welcomed by Mrs. Stoddard, but experiences strange and disturbing dreams upon her first night in the house. She meets David Collins, who is constantly plagued by memories of his mother. Meanwhile, Willie Loomis and his girlfriend go to the Co…
- The citizens of a small town face a nightmare of apocalyptic proportions after a government plane crashes nearby, unleashing a top-secret government experiment that can't be contained.
- Uprising is a vivid and visceral three-part series for BBC One which examines three events from 1981: in January, the New Cross Fire which killed 13 Black teenagers; in March, Black People’s Action Day, which saw more than 20,000 people join the first organised mass protest by Black British people; and then the Brixton…
- Eight strangers are invited to spend two days at a secluded house. At the end of the two days everyone will receive one million dollars . But there is a twist. They are left with weapons, and told that if they kill each other off, the survivors will split a bigger share of the eight million dollars. They are also told …