- According to recent findings in astrophysics, the universe is structured as a four-dimensional web-like network. Yet similar structures are created by organisms many times smaller – known as slime mold. Can the parallel between the realms of biology and physics help us understand the mystery of our changing and intrica…
- 係香港電視娛樂製作嘅清談節目,Girls' Talk系列之一,2017年4月5號開始逢禮拜三23:15-23:30喺ViuTV播。節目會教日常忙住做嘢嘅女仔,點樣只係用10分鐘就為自己煮餐豐富好食嘅餸。節目會搵後生廚師教近年最受女性歡迎嘅菜式。
- Timeshift reveals the story of the creature that is 'the smoker'. How did this species arrive on our shores? Why did it become so sexy - and so dominant in our lives? Was there really a time when everywhere people could be found shrouded in a thick blue cloud?Enlisting the help of Barry Cryer, Stuart Maconie and others…