搜索 Oliveira

  • 这部电影是关于嘉年华表演导演Joaosinho Trinta(Matheus Nachtergaele扮演)的传记片。电影讲述这位艺术家的人生经历。1960年代,他从马拉尼昂搬到里约热内卢,希望成为市剧院的一名舞蹈演员。直到1974年,他成为一所里约热内卢传统桑巴学校的嘉年华表演导演。
  • 安东尼奥一个年轻的巴西翻译工作者,去阿塔卡玛沙漠为新小说寻找灵感,结果遇上了一桩凶杀案,在证件被扣留不得不逗留在当地的时候,他认识了酒吧老板娘弗洛伦西亚并和她,还有一个印第安夫人,以及警察之间展开了一个追寻给予的故事。
  • 兩個女人與一個女孩,面對的是千鈞壓頂的傳統性別重擔。Sofia,沉鬱的白人知識份子,被困於灰暗的童年回憶中;Mariama,外向的非裔女傭,正為妹妹Bobo擺脫傳統的女性生殖器割禮儀式。身份地位南轅北轍的二個女人站在同一陣線,為了他人亦為自己而戰。從傳統的桎梏重奪自由、從過去的回憶釋放自我,種族、階級與文化差別,讓這部女性題材電影更具…
  • Documentary about French gay porn star Francois Sagat.
  • 电影
    The story offorty-something, out-of-work washing machine repairman Rudy. He decides to takeback control of his life after a bad patch, but he notices with bitterness thatthose he abandoned along the way are not ready to welcome him with open arms.While the demons from the past come knocking at his door, a chance encoun…
  • The title translates to "Watercolor of Brazil", and that's how it starts: with a paintbrush rendering the flora and fauna of Brazil (which oddly overlap) in water colors. A flower becomes Donald Duck, who is soon joined by the very cool parrot José Carioca, who introduces Donald to the city, the language, a l…