- Detlef Bothe's tragic comedy focuses on a man, who suffers hell on earth after accidentally hitting his girlfriend. Richard, actor in a daily soap opera, wants to brighten up his crisis-prone girlfriend Katja and organizes a birthday party. After the guests had left, he wants to sleep with her, but she doesn't want to.…
- D 2007 – Konstantin (Jörg Pohl) zieht zu seinem älteren Bruder August (Jean-Luc Bubert) nach Bochum. Der Partygänger verleitet ihn zu dummen Streichen, sie brechen in Schwimmbäder ein und veranstalten Unsinn, der zu einem Verkehrschaos fü…
- When a young lawyer is murdered to cover up a dangerous corporate secret, his sister must face off against the ruthless killer sent to finish the job. Trapped by a severe thunderstorm in her family's secluded estate manor, she and a handful of friends must fight to survive nature's assault and that of the killer sent t…