- 謀反により信長を討った明智光秀は、天下統一をめざすため、腕利の武者を信長の有力家臣に差し向けていた。伊賀の山中を抜け、岡崎に向かう徳川家康もその一人。家康の命を守るため、伊賀のくノ一・楓は一足早く、柘植の宿場に待機するのだが、そこは独眼の白狼をはじめとした、凄腕の殺し屋たちが、既に集結していた・・・美しく、妖艶に。トッ…
- This is the fourth film in The Sugar Creek Gang series. The gang races through the swamp only to stumble upon previously unexplored territory that leads them right into the middle of a mystery. As if the puzzling new discoveries aren't enough, Poetry's lamb causes mischief in the schoolhouse and gets everyone into hot …
- Rocket ships, Rayguns, and Robots abound in this heart-pounding tale where the stellar adventurer Saber Raine is hired to guide three elite soldiers on a rescue mission to recover a prince and princess who have been abducted from their home world. The trail leads Saber and his allies to a planet deep within uncharted s…